
SLEZSKÝ SBORNÍK CXIX / 2021, číslo 1

Charakteristické rysy zbožnosti žen z panovnických rodin v hagiografických textech ve střední Evropě ve 13. století

Characteristic Features of Piety in Women from Sovereign Families in 13-century Central Europe

Zdislava Pivodová

The study deals with characteristic features of piety in women with sovereign background in 13th Century Central Europe and their mutual influences. It presents the conclusions of a comparative analysis of their legends with a critical commentary which evaluates the concepts in the context of legendistic topoi.

„Specification, was dasBegräbnis der … Susanna … Kuntzin von Grotsch gekostet hat.“ Pohřební účet z roku 1736.

„Specification, was das Begräbnis der … Susanna … Kuntzin von Grotsch gekostet hat.“ Burial Charge from the Year 1736.

Petr Tesař

The article deals with a bill for the funeral of Zuzana Kuntzová, a woman of productive age and her deceased child. In addition to the genealogical context, attention is paid to the factual analysis of the bill and its comparison with the later stole patent dating from 1750.

Das polnische Heer und der Bayerische Erbfolgekrieg (1778–1779)

The Polish army in the light of the Bavarian succession

Maciej Trąbski

In the second half of 1770s, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was gradually recovering after the political failure and industrial damage related to the Bar Confederation (1768–1772) and annexing almost 1/3 of the territory by the neighbouring superpowers (First Partition of Poland – 1772). From 1775, also military forces were being reconstructed. Their main task was border protection and ensuring home stability. However, they were definitely not numerous enough to complete that task successfully as they counted only 16 500 soldiers at that time. Despite that fact, in the years 1778–1779, the crown military forces had to face the threat related to the war over the Bavarian succession. The article presents the actions undertaken by Polish military forces consisting in double protection of the Prussian army marching through the Polish territory, sealing the borders with the Prussian and Austrian states to stop the influx of deserters from the armies of these countries and fighting illegal conscription. Moreover, the publication presents information conveyed to the king Stanisław II Augustus by the leaders of Nunits stationing in Greater Poland and western Lesser Poland, concerning the mobilization and marches of Prussian and Austrian armies and military actions undertaken at that time.

Spišské železorudné bane Banskej a hutnej spoločnosti v medzivojnovom období

Zips´s Ironworks Mines of Mining and Metallurgical Company during Interwar Period

Lukáš Patera

The study deals with the inter-war development of two iron ore mines in Spiš (Slovakia), which were an iron ore base of Třinecké železárny owned by Banská a hutná spoločnosť (Mining and Metallurgical Company). It monitors not only the economic development of both plants, but also the social issue and the life of labour. The activities of Banská a hutná spoločnosť (Mining and Metallurgical Company), one of the largest ironworks companies of the first half of the 20th century, on the territory of today’s Slovakia are a topic which has not been dealt with in Czech historiography yet. The work addresses the issue of ore imports from Slovakia to Třinec, evaluates the company’s efforts to improve the mining and production of roasted ore and also monitors the development of both mines during economic crises and booms.

Právní a doktrinální okolnosti vzniku vládního vojska

Legal and Doctrinal Circumstances of the Formation of Government Troops

Stanislav Polnar

Questions related to the existence of government troops are among the most controversial in the Czech historiography. For some, the goverment soldiers were collaborators with the Nazi regime. For others, they were patriots represented home country in the time of unfreedom. This paper evaluates the issue from a different perspective. It describes the legal and organizational circumstances of the formation of this armed body. The text attempts to answer the question, whether the government army was a collaborative structure or a residue of the Czechoslovakian army. The conclusion suggests the first option. The goverment troops served Nazi propaganda, which the government presented as a false remnant of national sovereignity.

Civilní ochrana ve školství českých zemí 1935–1989

Civil Defence in the Education System of the Czech Lands 1935–1989

Vít Němec

The problematics of the civil defence in the education system of the Czech lands in the years 1935–1989 is a complex and not yet adequately explored phenomenon in contemporary Czech historiography. The article analyses the genesis of the problematics that starts with the phenomenon called in the Czech language as „civilní protiletecká ochrana“ (CPO) and continues with the wartime period when the CPO was transformed into the Reich Luftschutz (LS). During the existence of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, two terms for Civil Air Defence were used. As the bilingualism was used during the era, the Czech equivalent for Luftschutz was in the Czech language called as „protiletecká ochrana“ (PO). The post-war duration of PO was ended by the formation and commencement of the new system of the Civil Defence so-called as „civilní obrana“ (CO) that lasted until the collapse of the Communist Bloc.


Bibliografie Petra Bezruče v Esperantu / Bibliography of Petr Bezruč in esperanto (Vlastimil Kočvara)

Recenze a zprávy o literatuře

Fran SMĚJA, Na co jsem nezapomněl. (Martina Dragonová)

Jiří KNAPÍK, Heller & Kristian aneb Opavská Vest pocket revue (1933). Hra „Kaolin a majolika“ a inspirace Osvobozeným divadlem. (Martin Pelc)

Timothy SNYDER, Cesta k nesvobodě: Rusko, Evropa, Amerika. (Ondřej Kolář)


Odešel člověk, jenž se hrdě hlásil k Prajzákům. (Nina Pavelčíková); K 75. výročí vzniku Slezského ústavu v Opavě – ohlédnutí a výhled. (Ondřej Kolář)

Bibliografická příloha