
SLEZSKÝ SBORNÍK CXX / 2022, číslo 2

Knihovna Johanna Mildnera (1763–1835) v Hynčicích (okres Bruntál) a její historický kontext

Library of Johann Mildner (1763–1835) in Hynčice (District of Bruntál) an its Historical Context

Pavel Šopák

The material study deals with the library of Johann Mildner, a Catholic clergyman from Hynčice in the Bruntál region (1763–1835). Based on the extant inventory of the Mildner’s library, the owner’s cultural and intellectual ties are analyzed. In a broader context, from the source whose edition forms part of the study, it is possible to partially reconstruct the cultural influences in Austrian Silesia during the Late Enlightenment and emerging romanticism. The provenance and thematic composition of the books are monitored. At the same time, the article strives to compare Mildner’s library with other well-known libraries of clergymen and intellectuals in the Czech lands from the subject period and to place the source studied in the context of the book culture of that time. In his regard, special attention is paid to private and public libraries in Austrian Silesia.

K dejinám spišského železorudného závodu Koterbachy vo vlastníctve Vítkovických železiarní (1895–1918)

On History of Ironworks Plant Koterbachy Owned by Vítkovice Ironworks (1895–1918)

Lukáš Patera

In 1895, the Vítkovice Ironworks became the owner of iron ore deposits in the village of Koterbachy, where they gradually built the largest and most modern iron ore mining plant in Upper Hungary. The history of this company was not documented for a long time, despite the fact that it was the ironworks’ own ore base in Vítkovice. From the end of the 19th century, Koterbachy also became an important producer of mercury in the monarchy, which was enabled by the specific composition of the ores in the deposits. The study deals with the economic and technical development of the plant and mining in Spiš, and social issues and construction activities that were supposed to improve accommodation capacities and increase the plant’s economic efficiency. The study can be used for learning about the Vítkovice mining and metallurgical activities on the Slovak territory and for studying Slovak mining in the long 19th century.

Sociální demokrat, komunista nebo socialistický sjednotitel? Typologický profil ostravských dělnických vůdců první poloviny 20. století na příkladu Josefa Pergla

Member of Social Democrats, Communist Party or the Socialist Association? Typological profile of the Ostrava Labour movement leaders from the first half of the 20th century on the example of Josef Pergl

Jiří Sochorek

This article analyses the political transformation of Josef Pergl, a leading figure of Ostrava’s Labour movement in the first half of the 20th century, a close collaborator of the Imperial Council deputy Petr Cingr, and a man who defied “the Karlin boys”. Josef Pergl is introduced as a specific type of a socialist who had politically radicalized at the beginning of the 1920s and switched from social democrats to a radical left-wing party. Pergl, however, had not endured the second wave of the Czechoslovakian communist party purge and was forced to leave the party in 1932, contrary to Josef Šavel who was also one of Cingr’s men. In a bid to make a comeback, Pergl founded Socialist Association, his own political party which did not have any major success in the regional political field. The typology of a Labour movement leader is further studied using the example of Josef Pergl by examining his characteristics (place of origin, ideology, the stability of his ideological belief, career achievements, the ability of theoretical political thinking). The specific characteristics of the examined personality stand out most when compared to the typological uniqueness of his fellows, Josef Šavel and Petr Cingr. The article also addresses the specific development of the Labour movement in the Ostrava-Karviná region during the first half of the 20th century.

Transporty „Ag“ (1. 4. 1942) a „Al“ (23. 4. 1942) z Terezína do Piasek

Transports „Ag“ (1. 4. 1942) and „Al“ (23. 4. 1942) from Terezín to Piaski

Jakub Strýček – Zdeněk Jirásek

The state of research on the issue of Jews from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the transit ghettos of the Lublin District of the General Government can be described as unsatisfactory and undoubtedly requiring more attention in the future. One of the important parts of this issue are the transports to the Lublin district, which have not received (with few exceptions) their own professional treatment within the Czech provenance. The focus of the study will be on two of them, codenamed „Ag“ and „Al“, whose destination was Piaski. The aim will be to describe and analyse in detail the course of their journey from Terezín to their final destination on the basis of sources and literature, to point out inaccuracies and inconsistencies in existing research, and to try to eliminate these deficiencies.

Identifikace doposud patrných dokladů Ostravsko-opavské operace na příkladu situace v okolí Stříbrného jezera v Kateřinkách u Opavy

Identification of so Far Visible Docoments of Ostrava-Opava Offensive Using Example of Situation around Silver Lake in Kateřinky Near Opava

Jiří Juchelka – David Galia – Marek Pietoň – Ondřej Klápa – Tomáš Petr

The study summarizes the results of an archaeological survey carried out by the Silesian Museum in the area near the so-called Silver Lake in the Opava local part of Kateřinky, which became the scene of battles between Soviet and German military units in April 1945 as part of the Ostrava-Opava Offensive. In this area, the German army partially used elements of the pre-war Czechoslovak fortifications. In the past, the area was disturbed by construction work as well as the activities of illegal “treasure hunters”. The text aims to use the example of this particular survey to point out the possibilities of archaeological mapping of disturbed areas with the help of modern technological procedures.

Romská problematika v moravskoslezském pohraničí 1945–1968

Roma Population in Moravian-Silesian Borderland 1945–1968

Lubomír Hlavienka

The article deals with situation of Roma population in Czechoslovakia after 1945 on example of Silesia and surrounding Northern Moravian districts. The attention is payed to approach of state and regional administration towards Roma minority in context of political and social development of the region. The study describes the immigration of Roma population from Slovakia and Hungary after 1945, as well as living conditions of the minority and the position of Roma on labour market. The interactions with Czech and Slovak majority are analysed as well. Research is based on agenda of regional administrations and security forces. The article depicts the situation of Roma minority since the end of World War II until the reforms of territorial structure in late 1960s. During this period a stable structure of Roma settlement was established.

Material Studies

Kryštof Kober z Koberšperku († 1621). Stavovský direktor a malostranský měšťan se slezskými kořeny (Jan Kilián)

Recenze a zprávy o literatuře

Pavel CIBULKA – Pavel KLADIWA – Andrea POKLUDOVÁ – Petr POPELKA – Milan ŘEPA, Čas změny. Moravský a slezský venkov od zrušení poddanství po Velkou válku (Adam Strašák)

Radim JEŽ – Ilona PAVELKOVÁ, Století českého školství v Jablunkově. S nástinem vývoje vzdělanosti od počátku k dnešku (Pavel Kladiwa)

Lucie GILAROVÁ – Jaromíra KNAPÍKOVÁ – Jiří KNAPÍK – Vít NĚMEC (edd.), „Kmeny srostou v jeden strom“. Vzpomínky dědičky opavské firmy Altschul Ruth Neumanové (1921–1997) (Ondřej Haničák)

Branislav DORKO, Okresní vedení NSDAP v Krnově 1938–1945. Struktura a představitelé (Ondřej Kolář)

Bibliografická příloha