Journal Characteristic

Slezský sborník is a traditional peer-reviewed professional journal. It is also registered in the internationally respected European Reference Index for Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus). Its professional profile is derived both from the current needs of the contemporary historical science and from more than a hundred years of tradition. It is profiled as a platform for publications focused on research on Silesia, not only as a regional phenomenon but as a place where the developmental trends of European West and East, North and South, i.e. Silesia as an active factor of European development, intertwined, confronted and were transferred. The journal also opens its pages to studies of interdisciplinary context and methodological issues of a more general nature. Scientific studies, materials, discussion papers, papers and reviews of the latest domestic and foreign literature and commented reviews of research are published on the Slezský sborník pages. The editors accept texts written in Czech, Slovak, Polish, German and English. The periodical is published by the Silesian Museum in Opava twice a year.


Essays (texty prochází recenzním řízením)
Material Studies (texty prochází recenzním řízením)
Research Overview

Review Articles and Reviews

Rules of Procedure of the Editorial Board

Article I. Basic provisions

    1. Basic Data

The periodical Slezský sborník (Acta Silesiaca) is published by the Silesian Museum. The content and the direction of the magazine are secured by the editorial board in cooperation with the chief and executive editors.

    1. Chief Editor

The chief editor is the director of the Silesian Museum, or a person appointed by the director.
The chief editor is appointed until their removal or resignation.
The appointment, removal or resignation of the chief editor shall take place in writing.

    1. Executive Editor

The executive editor is appointed by the chief editor from the members of the editorial board.
The executive editor is appointed until their removal or resignation.
The appointment, removal or resignation of the executive editor shall take place in writing.

    1. Editorial Board

The members of the editorial board are appointed by the director of the Silesian Museum.
The members are appointed until their removal or resignation.
The appointment, removal or resignation of the members of the editorial board shall take place in writing.

Article II. Composition of the Editorial Board

The editorial board has a minimum of 12 members (including the chief and executive editors), wherein employees of the Silesian Museum always comprise less than half of them. The editorial board consists of historians from domestic and foreign academic, university, museum and other workplaces, or experts dealing with related scientific disciplines.
The editorial board primarily communicates via electronic mail and meets at least twice a year.
Membership in the Editorial Board is unsubstitutable.

Article III. The role of the editorial board and the editors

The role of the editorial board

  • Approval of statutory documents
  • Approval of work plans
  • Approval of the specialization and direction of the journal
  • Adoption of standards for processing contributions
  • Acquisition of studies, reviews, reports and other texts
  • Selection of study reviewers
  • Reviewing studies
  • Approval of studies and entire issues for printing

Chief Editor:

  • Is responsible for publishing the magazine
  • Coordinates and ensures the publication of the magazine in cooperation with the executive editor
  • Convenes editorial board meetings
  • Decides on the result of voting in the event of equality of votes of the members of the editorial board
  • Selects article reviewers
  • In cooperation with the executive editor, they keep correspondence with the reviewers and authors and ensures author proofreading

Executive Editor:

  • Handles the formal paperwork associated with the publication of the magazine
  • Maintains and expands the database of magazine subscribers
  • In cooperation with the chief editor, they keep correspondence with the reviewers and authors and ensures author proofreading
  • Ensures proofreading of texts based on the editorial principles approved by the editorial board
  • Ensures communication with typesetting graphic studios and printing works
  • Ensures language proofreading
  • Assigns translations of abstracts and resumes
  • Ensures distribution of issues to members of the editorial board and the authors of the studies
  • Ensures updates to the magazine's website

Article IV. Course of the editorial work and publishing the magazine

  • All manuscripts will be emailed to the chief and executive editors.
  • The executive editor prints and archives the text.
  • The chief editor, in cooperation with the executive editor, assesses whether the text meets the formal and content criteria and excludes the non-complying texts. This exclusion and approval of the texts are subject to the approval of the editorial board.
  • The texts approved are submitted for review. At least two reviewers are selected by the executive editor in cooperation with the chief editor upon recommendation of the members of the editorial board. The circle of reviewers must adhere to formal conditions according to the rules of the R&D Council.
  • The names of the selected reviewers will be submitted to the editorial board for approval by email. Each member of the editorial board may request submission of studies selected for the peer-review process.
  • The editorial board members will express their opinion on the selected reviewers by e-mail within 5 working days. Failure to respond is considered consent. In the event of equality of votes, the chief editor decides.
  • The executive editor or the chief editor contact the approved reviewers with a request to prepare a review report. If they agree, the article is immediately sent to them by e-mail or post. If they disagree, the selection of reviewers is repeated.
  • Upon the return of the study from the review process, the executive editor archives the reviews and informs all members of the editorial board about the outcome of the review process by e-mail. At the same time, they ask the members of the editorial board to approve/reject the study. The members of the editorial board approve or reject the study within 5 working days. Failure to respond is considered consent. In the event of equality of votes, the chief editor decides.
  • The review process is not conducted for reviews, reports, discussion contributions, annotations, etc. The publication of discussion contributions is subject to the approval of the members of the editorial board and the text of the discussion contributions is sent to them by the executive editor. Failure to respond is considered consent. In the event of equality of votes, the chief editor decides.
  • 6 weeks before the planned publication of the issue, the executive editor, or the chief editor, sends the draft of the entire issue the to the members of the editorial board by e-mail. The members of the editorial board approve or reject the draft of the entire issue within 5 working days. Failure to respond is considered consent. In the event of equality of votes, the chief editor decides.
  • Once the issue has been approved, the executive editor will ensure text editing, translations of the abstracts and the resume, typesetting and then they send the texts to the authors for the first proofreading.
  • After making and implementing the author proofreading, the executive editor ensures language proofreading and sends the text in the PDF format to the authors for the second proofreading. They will send the entire issue in the PDF format to the members of the editorial board for approval. The members of the editorial board approve or reject the final form of the issue within 5 working days. Failure to respond is considered consent. In the event of equality of votes, the chief editor decides.
  • After the issue has been approved, the executive editor sends the issue to press upon the approval of the chief editor.
  • The executive editor ensures distribution to the authors of articles in the given issue (2 pieces), to the reviewers (1 piece), to the chief and executive editors (2 pieces) and to the editorial board members (1 piece)

Article V. Periodicity

The magazine is published twice a year.

Article VI. Contents

I. Studies (assessed in anonymous peer review)
II. Materials (assessed in anonymous peer review)
III. Discussion
IV. Discussion
V. Chronicle
Each issue of Slezský sborník must contain Sections I, IV and V.

Article VII. Final Provisions

These Rules of Procedure shall take effect on the date of their approval.
The Rules of Procedure are deposited in writing with the magazine's chief and executive editors.

Chief Editor
Prof. PhDr. Aleš Zářický, Ph.D.
(Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity)

Editorial Board

Chief Editor
Prof. PhDr. Aleš Zářický, Ph.D.
(Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity)

Výkonní redaktoři
Mgr. Ondřej Kolář, Ph.D.
(Slezské zemské muzeum)
Mgr. Kateřina Lančová
(Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity)

Editorial Board
Doc. Mgr. Robert Antonín, Ph.D.
(Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity)
Doc. Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D.
(Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity)
Prof. PhDr. Jiří Friedl, Ph.D.
(Univerzita Karlova)
Prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Jirásek, CSc.
(Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta Slezské univerzity v Opavě / Slezské zemské muzeum)
Prof. PhDr. Jiří Knapík, Ph.D.
(Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta Slezské univerzity v Opavě)
Prof. PhDr. Irena Korbelářová, Dr.
(Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta Slezské univerzity v Opavě / Slezské zemské muzeum)
Doc. Mgr. Petr Kozák, Ph.D.
(Zemský archiv v Opavě / Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta Slezské univerzity v Opavě)
Doc. Mgr. Radmila Prchal Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
(Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci)
PhDr. Jan Hruboš, Ph.D.
(Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity)
Dr hab. Jerzy Sperka
(Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach)
Prof Dr hab. Janusz Spyra
(Akademia im. Jana Dlugosza w Czenstochowe)
Doc. JUDr. Marek Starý, Ph.D.
(Právnická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze)
Prof. PhDr. Rudolf Žáček, Dr.
(Fakulta veřejných politik Slezské univerzity v Opavě / Slezské zemské muzeum)