
SLEZSKÝ SBORNÍK CXX / 2022, číslo 1

Książę Henryk VIII Wróbel (ok. 1360 – 14 III 1397) i jego rządy w księstwie Kożuchowsko-zielonogórskim

Duke Henry VIII the Sparrow (approx. 1360–14 III 1397) and his Rule in the Duchy of Kożuchów-Zielona Góra

Joanna Karczewska

The article portrays an image of the Duke Henry VIII the Sparrow and his rule in the Duchy of Kożuchów-Zielona Góra, comprising part of the Głogów district. The duke’s background and family environment are presented, further to the impact the two above matters had on him. Subsequently, various aspects of the duke’s activities were discussed, initially during his co-rule with his brothers and then – during his autonomous ruleafter the division of the Głogów district in 1378, when he became the ruler of the Duchy of Kożuchów-Zielona Góra. The article discusses the issue of the duke’s marriage and children as well as matters related to managing and administering the duchy, the state of the duke’s domain as well as the chancellery’s activity. Furthermore, issues regarding Henry VIII’s passion for knight tournaments and militaria as well as the impact of such an entertainment on the duchy’s situation were revealed by the author.

Henleinovské povstání na Jesenicku v září 1938 optikou československého vyšetřování

Henlein Uprising in Jeseník Region in September 1938 Seen through Czechoslovak Investigation Reports

Ondřej Kolář

The study deals with the German pro-Nazi insurgency in Czechoslovakia in 1938, leading to the Munich Agreement, on the example of Jeseník district, remote and predominantly mountainous region of western part of Czech Silesia. Research is based primarily on post-war investigation agenda, as well as memoirs and press articles. The article aims to analyse preparations (mainly smuggling of weapons) and goals of the insurgents, as well as their ties to German intelligence and military personnel. Another purpose of this paper is to identify the main actors of the uprising regarding to their social status and previous political affiliations. Final part of article focuses on response of Czechoslovak security forces in wider context of Czechoslovak defence strategy.

„Slovácko sa nesúdí“ aneb Konec iniciátorů moravské iredenty

„No Trials in Slovácko“ or End of leaders of Moravian irredentism

Viktor Janák

The study focuses on the circumstances of the end of Moravian irredentist activities of late 1930s, grouped around a civic association called Národopisná Morava (Ethnographic Moravia). The leading figures of the initiative were prosecuted by Extraordinary People´s Court in Uherské Hradiště after the end of World War II. The aim of this article is to describe and analyse the court martials of particular personalities participating in the activities of above-mentioned association and to find out, whether (or why) the verdicts of the court and the time really spent in prisons and labour camps differed in individual cases. Another purpose of the research is to point out the diverse approach of the court towards the Moravian irredentists, compared to other political groups, prosecuted according to Presidential Decree No. 16/1945, also known as „Big Retribution Decree“.

Bezpečnostní a vojenská situace na hranicích severovýchodního Slovenska v letech 1945–1947

Security and military situation on the borders of north-eastern Slovakia in the years 1945–1947

Tomáš Řepa

The study focuses on security and military aspects of border surveillance in the region of north-eastern Slovakia after the end of World War II. Ideal conditions did not prevail here during this period. Also due to the fact that the return to peace was more difficult in the local remote, mountainous and forested region than elsewhere in the restored Czechoslovak Republic. There were a number of robberies and formations in the area, which were not satisfied with the geopolitical direction of the region of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Błyskawica group of Józef Kuraś called Ogień and especially the Bandera, members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Gradually, the situation escalated to such an extent that the Czechoslovak army units were deployed due to consolidation into a normal security situation in a functioning state. However, everything was also complicated by political pressures from Moscow and the Czechoslovak communists, who also abused these events on their way to power over the country.

Duchovní život moravskoslezského regionu na příkladu osobností ze sbírek Památníku Petra Bezruče: František Němec, Zdislav Škrabal, Josef Veselý

Regional spiritual life by an example of personalities from the Petr Bezruč Memorial collections: František Němec, Zdislav Škrabal, Josef Veselý

Martina Dragonová – Monika Szturcová

Study is about a regional spiritual life by an example of significant spiritual and ecclesiastical personalities: František Němec, Zdislav Škrabal and Josef Veselý. These Catholic priests were active both in ecclesiastical and social life and they were also all writers. Their literary estates are part of collections of the Petr Bezruč Memorial at the Silesian museum in Opava.


Vztah slezského etnografa a folkloristy Antonína Satkeho k „rodnému“ domu čp. 132 v Komárově u Opavy (Kamil Rodan)

Recenze a zprávy o literatuře

Michael MORYS-TWAROWSKI, Wójtowie na Śląsku Cieszyńskim 1864–1918. Studium prozopograficzne. (Wojciech Święs)

Viktor VELEK, Hudební umělci mezi Ostravou a Vídní 2–4 .(Lenka Černíková)

Pavel MACHÁČEK, Zmizelé Jesenicko 2. díl: Téměř zaniklé osady. (Ivana Kolářová)

Piotr PAŁYS – Dalibor SOKOLOVIĆ, Jugosławia wobec Serbołużyczan i Łużyc w latach 1946–1949: wybór źródeł. (Josef Botlík)

Jakub ŠLOUF, Praha v červnu 1953. Dělnická revolta proti měnové reformě, vyjednávání v továrnách a strukturální proměna dělnické třídy. (Jiří Knapík)

Miki HRUSKA – Evelyn ELLERMAN, No way back home. The unexpected Life of a Czech Family in India (1938–1977). (Ludmila Lambeinová)


„Všechny cesty vedou do Říma“: mezinárodní kolokvium v Opavě, 25. – 26. listopadu 2021 (Tomáš Krömer)

Bibliografická příloha